NYC GreenThumb in Red Hook | MSC Foundation

NYC Parks GreenThumb

MSC Foundation, Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City & Department of Parks and Recreation

New York
Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City | MSC foundatio

Together for the environment

The MSC Foundation has launched a two-year partnership with The Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City and the Department of Parks and Recreation to support the NYC Parks GreenThumb programme, which sustains community-based urban gardening initiatives.


Timeframe: 2023-2025

Location: New York City

Partner: Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City


NYC Parks GreenThumb was established in 1978, since when it has grown to become the United States’ largest urban gardening programme. GreenThumb sustains more than 550 community gardens and supports 20,000 volunteer gardeners with materials, technical assistance and educational workshops on gardening, farming, community organisation and more. The goal of the MSC Foundation’s partnership is to contribute to strengthening 7 GreenThumb community gardens in South Brooklyn in the city of New York. This includes supporting the social processes generated around the gardens by providing material assistance to the community garden groups, which engage individuals across all age groups and demographics to build their health, resilience and social connections through outdoor leisure, gardening, farming and community organisation.


The MSC Foundation supports all the following NYC Parks GreenThumb Gardens:

  • South Brooklyn Children’s Garden
  • Human Compass Community Garden
  • Urban Meadow
  • Backyard Garden
  • Amazing Garden
  • Summit Street Community Garden
  • Pirate's Cove Garden


  • New York City is home to over 550 unique public green spaces that are stewarded by thousands of volunteer community members.
  • The community gardens hold cultural and social events, conserve biodiversity and foster appreciation of the outdoors with neighbours and friends.
  • Community gardens provide important green space, thus improving air quality, conserving biodiversity and promoting the well–being of residents.
  • Participants, including youths, work on garden-related projects, gaining skills such as environmental stewardship and community organising.



New York, like the rest of the world, is facing significant increases in food prices and decreases in the availability of fresh food.

Many people in New York have limited access to green spaces.

Urban areas are experiencing the effects of climate change, including urban heat and flooding.

Many GreenThumb community gardens in South Brooklyn were established in the 1990s, so garden infrastructures need repair and investment