Marine Restoration Partnership to Accelerate Ocean Science

MSC Foundation & IUCN

MSC Foundation and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) join forces to share knowledge and expert support while disseminating scientific knowledge to promote effective action.

Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve
Community Support

The MSC Foundation and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) partnered in March 2023 to accelerate ocean science and contribute to the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development as part of their commitment to environmental conservation.

Through the partnership, the IUCN will share the latest knowledge on the state of marine restoration, raising awareness of the urgent need to accelerate ocean science and the importance of IUCN data and tools as bedrocks of conservation.

The MSC Foundation will support the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species by assisting with the completion of the first comprehensive global assessment of the world’s coral species, contributing expert support with risk assessment models, ecosystem description and mapping, and data compilation and interpretation. Its chief aim here will be to support concrete, actionable restoration plans for coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass beds, as well as the Red List Threatened Species populating them.


This will be assisted by marine spatial planning analysis of important sites to be integrated in Key Biodiversity and Protected Areas to support the Global Biodiversity Framework's "30x30" Target, and will include integrating climate change in marine spatial planning with a focus on threat reduction plans for target areas.

Supporting these initiatives, the Foundation will develop and run coral conservation and marine biodiversity communication campaigns focused on disseminating scientific knowledge tailored to stimulate effective practical action.

The MSC Foundation will support the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species by assisting with the completion of the first comprehensive global assessment of the world’s coral species, contributing expert support with risk assessment models, ecosystem description and mapping, and data compilation and interpretation. Its chief aim here will be to support concrete, actionable restoration plans for coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass beds, as well as the Red List Threatened Species populating them.

This will be assisted by marine spatial planning analysis of important sites to be integrated in Key Biodiversity and Protected Areas to support the Global Biodiversity Framework's "30x30" Target, and will include integrating climate change in marine spatial planning with a focus on threat reduction plans for target areas.

Supporting these initiatives, the Foundation will develop and run coral conservation and marine biodiversity communication campaigns focused on disseminating scientific knowledge tailored to stimulate effective practical action.



8,000+ coral species

Gather global data on coral species and threatened marine life to inform restoration plans


Incorporate climate change in marine spatial planning to support threat reduction in target areas

100+ campaigns

Run effective conservation campaigns to promote stakeholder knowledge and practical action

200+ protected areas

Create new marine protected areas around biodiversity hotspots and critical habitats