NFT Disclaimer



provided pursuant to Article 4 of the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) of 19 June 1992 and Articles 13 and 14 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679

  1. Data controller and contact details

    The MSC Foundation (the “Foundation” or “we”), headquartered in Chemin Rieu 12-14, 1208, Geneva, Switzerland, collects and processes information, including some personal information, about the people who use this website, attend its events, participate in the activities it organizes or otherwise engage with the Foundation.

    The Foundation is the Data Controller that determines the means and purposes of data processing. To contact a representative of the Foundation, please use the email address

    As a Swiss entity, the Foundation is committed to the processing of all personal data in a fair, transparent and lawful way, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Act on Data Protection of 19 June 1992 (hereinafter “FADP”). In addition, due to the international reach of events and activities covering many EU countries, the Foundation is also committed to applying the principles of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter "GDPR").

  2. Purposes of data processing and categories of data

    We collect personal data on different occasions for the following purposes that are determined by the Foundation. We do not share personal data with third parties for their own processing purposes.

    The mandatory data that is necessary for a specific activity is marked by an asterisk (*). If you do not provide this data, we may not be able to conduct the activity. The non-mandatory data is optional and helps us to get to know you better. Deciding not to provide non-mandatory data is entirely up to you, and will have no impact on your relationship with MSC Foundation or the activities that you participate in.

  1. Sending newsletters and information about the Foundation activities

    We collect the name and email address of the people who would like to stay up to date with the Foundation’s activities and upcoming events. We use this information on the basis of specific consent for the purposes of contacting people via email or phone, where a phone number is indicated.

    We may also send partners information and newsletters on the basis of our legitimate interest to inform our partners of activities of the Foundation, where there is a pre-existing contractual relationship and only if or until that partner expresses its wish to stop receiving such communication from the Foundation.

    To revoke the consent and to stop receiving messages from the Foundation, simply click the “Unsubscribe” button in one of the Foundation’s emails; your contact details will no longer be used to send you information about the Foundation’s activities.

  2. Organising fundraising and other types of events

    We collect personal data for the purposes of organising transportation, hospitality and additional services to enable guests to attend events organised by the Foundation. The type of data varies depending on the specific event, the location and whether additional services are required (for example, transportation). We always endeavour to collect the minimum data necessary to enable us to organise the event.

    The data is collected and processed on the basis of our legitimate interests and, in some cases, on the basis of the performance of specific contracts.

    We only share data with third parties where necessary and only if the third parties provide adequate guarantees that they will respect the personal data and not use it for purposes other than those indicated by the Foundation.

  3. Handling donations

    Donations can be anonymous, or they can contain some personal data related to the donor. We process such data only to the extent necessary to fulfil the donation and ensure that it is properly handled internally. Before publishing any information regarding the amount or type of donation made by a specific person or organisation, we inform them and collect their specific consent.

    Donations can be made through various methods: by bank transfer to a Swiss bank account or a US bank account, or by payment through our partners TGE or CAF America. Depending on the payment method, various payment processors may have access to your personal data. We recommend that you check their privacy policies.

    If you wish to make an anonymous donation, please send an email to and a representative of the Foundation will help you with the next steps, without storing your identity or personal data.

  4. Managing the relationship with partners

    Our partners mainly include non-profit organisations, institutions and private and corporate donors. We process the personal data of our partners and/or of their representatives – such as name, job title, address and contact details – in order to manage our relationship with them and to organise events and fundraising activities. We issue press releases or communications to the public only after prior consultation with our partners.

  5. Other purposes

    Website visitors may use the Foundation’s email address to submit requests for information, to propose funding opportunities, submit requests for collaboration and other enquiries. All personal data contained in messages received at the email address above will be processed for the purposes of complying with the request.

  1. Information collected using Cookies

    Cookies are small text files that are placed on the user's computer when visiting websites. They are widely used to serve websites by ensuring their more efficient operation, as well as to provide information to the owners of these websites about how the users are browsing the website – for example, number of visitors or number of click on a specific page. The use of cookies is currently the standard for most websites.

  1. Technical cookies

    Technical cookies are required to enable the browsing within the website and to use some of its functions (e.g. timing the display of certain pages in so-called “pop-up” mode etc.). Such cookies contain very limited information that may be linked to a person, such as whether the device used to access the website is a laptop or a mobile phone, to determine how the webpage should be displayed. Disabling technical cookies will result in some pages or sections of the website not functioning properly.

  2. Statistical cookies (Google Analytics)

    These cookies are supplied and managed by Google to provide a statistical analysis of access to the website. Because the anonymisation function of Google Analytics is enables, the information is collected anonymously and in aggregate form and no personal user data is processed or stored. You can decide not to use Google Analytics cookies by following the instructions at the following link:

  3. Profiling cookies

    Profiling cookies are supplied and managed by third parties to generate specific advertising messages based on the use of a browser by individual users. This website currently uses Google Doubleclick cookies, which record information that allows for adverts to be displayed on the websites and to control how often an ad is shown to a browser, how long it is shown for and how often it will appear. For more information, including information to opt out from the cookie, please click the following link:

    Cookie opt-out

    Cookie functions can be disabled via the appropriate page made available by the EDAA (European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance) or by checking the "Privacy" settings of your Internet Browser.

  1. Data retention

    In accordance with applicable data protection legislation, all personal data collected by the Foundation is kept in a form which permits the identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the specific purposes, and in any case not longer than as specified by the relevant applicable laws. At the end of the period in which the data is considered necessary for the purposes that it was collected for, all copies are either destroyed or anonymised using adequate techniques that do not permit the re-identification of the data subject.

  2. Data subject rights

    To exercise your data subjects rights, please send an email to

    Depending on the type of user (individual, volunteer, partner) and the country where you are located, you may exercise different types of rights provided by the applicable data protection legislation.

    In the event that the data processing falls within the scope of application of the GDPR, you have the right to:

  1. Changes to this information notice

This information notice is subject to review and may be modified from time to time in response to changing organisational needs and/or legislative amendments. The most recent version is published on the Foundation’s website