Rebuilding Schools in Pomene and Mushungo | MSC Foundation

28 APRIL 2024

Rebuilding schools in Pomene and Mushungo

MSC Foundation and MSC Cruises join forces to rebuild schools after Cyclone Freddy

Focus Area: Emergency Relief, Community Support, Education


In March 2023, Very Intense Tropical Cyclone Freddy unleashed its fury on Mozambique, including the town of Pomene, causing widespread devastation. This powerful storm, with its intense winds and heavy rainfall, damaged crucial infrastructure across the region, including community schools. The destruction caused significant setbacks in local development and education, generating an urgent need for focused rebuilding efforts.

Responding to this crisis, MSC Cruises South Africa leveraged its maiden call and cruise terminal inauguration ceremony in Durban in November 2023. During the event aboard MSC Splendida, they departed from the tradition of giving guest gifts to instead raise donations to the MSC Foundation. This operation not only involved guests in MSC Cruises’ philanthropic efforts but also showcased our commitment to making a tangible difference in the communities we visit.

The MSC Foundation, MSC Cruises and local partners donated the funds raised to a transformative educational project that included the rebuilding of three classrooms at Pomene primary school, complete with new toilets and amenities for teachers. This is set to significantly enhance the educational infrastructure servingthe local community. 

In addition, Mushungo Primary and Secondary School was provided with all the materials needed to rebuild the main school classroom. These initiatives filled a critical gap in educational facilities, promising a brighter future for children in the Mozambican region most impacted by the devastating cyclone.

The project has gained enthusiastic local government support, marked by the presence of numerous dignitaries at the recent opening of the new school facilities, including Mr Amosse MacamoSecretary of State for Inhambane Province, where Pomene and Mushungo are located, together with the Mayors of both towns.

The celebration continued in our own MSC Pomene Lodge, the luxury venue at the heart of one of our premier Southern Africa cruise destinations, with a served lunch for all the invited guests and over 80 children representing both schools.Stefano Vigoriti, Senior Projects Manager at MSC Cruises South Africa, joined the event, which also provided an opportunity to distribute limited educational materials to all the children present, immediately enhancing their learning experience. The very positive feedback on these materials has prompted the schools to request more, opening the door to our ongoing engagement in educational support in Inhambane Province.

The commitment that the MSC Foundation and MSC Cruises have shown to Mozambique thus extends beyond immediate disaster relief to sustainable community development, underscoring our role as socially responsible stakeholders who promote positive change in the regions we serve. As these educational facilities take shape, they promise new opportunities and hope for Mozambique’s future generations.