Brazil Floods Emergency Relief | MSC Foundation

15 MAY 2024

MSC and MSC Foundation launch prompt response to devastating floods in Brazil

MSC Foundation has launched immediate relief efforts for the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, home to almost 11 million people, which has suffered the worst climate catastrophe in its history.

Focus Area: Emergency Relief


The Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul recorded between a third and half of its annual rainfall in just 10 days over the end of April and beginning of May. The resultant unprecedented flooding ravaged the countryside and cities alike, creating an immense humanitarian crisis. The MSC Group and MSC Foundation responded immediately, driven by a deep sense of responsibility and urgency, to assist the communities impacted.


A Historic Crisis

The disaster, the state’s worst in over 80 years, struck 401 municipalities with catastrophic consequences. Homes were buried under landslides. Vital infrastructure, including roads and bridges, was obliterated. And utility services such as electricity and water supplies were disrupted. The toll is heart-breaking, with over 100 lives lost, more than 130 people missing and almost a million either displaced or very severely impacted.


MSC Foundation’s Commitment to Action

MSC and the MSC Foundation were among the first to respond to the Federal Brazilian Government’s urgent requests for assistance. Committing to facilitate the immediate relief efforts, we also responded to the acute need for medical equipment, purchasing five Magnamed Fleximag Max 300 electric pulmonary ventilators within the first 3 days of the disaster. These critical devices were delivered to the Nossa Senhora Da Conceição Hospital in Rio Grande do Sul State on Monday the 13th of May, enhancing its capacity to provide life-saving care.


Financial Transparency and Support

The total cost of these vital respirators was USD 69,215.80. MSC Foundation not only pledged to meet this expense in full but also to ensure transparency and efficiency in the delivery of this essential aid. 


MSC Brazil Local Initiatives

In addition to assisting the donation of respirators, MSC Brazil took immediate action to care for its employees in Rio Grande city, which was impacted by the dramatically rising water levels. Hosting 56 people in a hotel (14 employees and 42 family members), MSC Brazil purchased 600 litres of water and 100 food baskets, while also hiring a childcare professional to look after its employees’ children and engage them in daily activities. Although the MSC terminal in Rio Grande city is a safe area, some employees’ houses are no longer habitable.

MSC Brazil has also launched a campaign to support the population in the Rio Grande do Sul region and is inviting its employees to donate water, food and other essentials.


Building for the Future

In general, and when appropriate, MSC and the MSC Foundation are committed to supporting sustainable recovery initiatives that not only address current emergencies but also build enhanced resilience to future challenges.

The road to recovery is long, but with concerted effort and unwavering commitment, we can and will make a difference thanks to our global reach and unique ability to mobilise and coordinate substantial resources. 


Credits: Nelson Almeida/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images